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Poet and Writer Annie Welcomes You

Let creativity abound through the written (and spoken!) word

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More About Poet and Writer Annie

Hello, there!  This site exists to convey the beauty and joy of writing. I am a poet, writer and artist - (As evidenced by the name of the site!) and have the desire to further share my expression with others.

My beginnings happened in Tokyo, Japan, and this far destination (from America) portended a life which has seen much travel and various international residences. I am grateful to this global exposure as I believe such exposure broadens the mind and further opens the heart.

I received my bachelors degree from UC Berkeley and a masters degree from John’s Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. (SAIS)

I had the great, good fortune to spend roughly eleven years in an ashram (monastery) in both India and the United States. This experience has graced my life.

Aside from poetry and writing, I much enjoy art and photography.  I have written a book of poems, as well as written and illustrated a children’s book.  It is entitled, "The Magic Closet" and can be found on Amazon.

Additionally, I have taught yoga since 2001, and have co-led an annual yoga teacher training for numerous years.

Florida has been my home the last many years. 

I have two beautiful sons who have brought great joy to my life.

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